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Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Cancun friends
With the start of our yearly Cancun pilgrimage for fun in the sun and Thanksgiving, we attended the Sunday welcome party on the Green Monster at the Royal Caribbean. All the kids were missing Bailey, Griffin, and Tommy. While adults were missing Mike and Kim.
Kathleen was here early this year, but the remainder of the Canadians arrived too late for the Welcome Party. Guess we will have to have our own today.
Just a few pics of the party with the gang saying hi to the kids. A view of the fuddy duddies sitting on the beach, Christina and Jessica and then again joined by Chuck. He wanted to make the blog!
Missing you guys back home
Monday, September 24, 2012
Final Tally; How Far We Hiked During our Travels
Maroon Bells National Forest, Aspen, Colorado
9/11 .8 miles 2,095 steps9/12 2.4 miles 5,774 steps
9/13 5.3 miles 12,453 steps
9/14 13.1 miles 30,916 steps
9/15 3.8 miles 9,004 steps
9/16 8.4 miles 19,738 steps
9/17 1.0 miles 2,743 steps
9/18 1.0 miles 2,750 steps
9/19 1.1 miles 2,796 steps
Total 349.6 miles 822,829 steps
The Reflecting Pool is DONE.
Having hikers withdrawal, we took a ride into DC to walk around and found that finally the reflecting pool is complete. People should now be able to take some fantastic pictures between the Lincoln Memorial and the WWII memorial.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Heading Home
Snow came down fast and furious with large puffy snowflakes sticking to the windshield and slush forming on the road. Winter is coming way too early.
Having never towed the camper in the snow, it certainly was cause for concern, however, we made over the pass and descended into lower elevations where it was only raining with views of the snow on the mountains and trees at the higher elevations.
After Denver, the Colorado landscape became flat and boring with flax colored grass for miles and miles. Finally crossing into Kansas we found some diversions.

Did you know....that Kansas has the second most oil wells, with Texas obviously being the leader in the field. They are small wells that pump crude out of the Mississippi limestone formations that run into Kansas. I thought they were pumping water, but Tony insisted they were oil wells and Google confirmed.
Also, Kansas has a growing wind power community with the potential to lead the nation in wind powered energy. Huge wind farms located near Salinas decorated the sky.
Kansas promotes the 8 wonders of Kansas. There are many 8 wonders as indicated at this website ; We several of the wonders on the highway, St. Fidelis Church in Victoria, the Eisenhower Library and Museum in Abilene and a bonus, the OZ museum, surrender Dorothy.
After a long day of driving we ended up in Topeka, Kansas. We will get up tomorrow and do it all again. Hopefully we will miss the storms we have been following alld day that are heading for Maryland.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Rocky Mountain National Park
Aspens form large groves of trees throughout the mountains. They are "filler" trees. They fill in spaces where avalanche, fire, disease or other gaps in the forest occur. As a result they can be either non existent or be sprinkled throughout the mountainside.
Did you know that a grove of trees is usually just from one tree? The tree spreads by underground runners and the entire grove is a "clone" of the original tree. Their root systems are all interconnected. As they are essentially the same tree, the grove is all the same color, turns at the same time and may be slightly different from the other groves on the mountain.
Another Aspen fact I learned today, the Aspens on the eastern side of the Continental Divide turn earlier than on the western side.
When the bright sun lights up the yellow gold leaves in the afternoon, they appear to glow. The sun bounces off the white bark and the wind rustles the leaves and almost makes music. I can see why Coloradans loves their Aspens. The Aspens are to Colorado as the cherry blossoms are to Washington.
Two nights ago there was a snow dusting on Longs Peak in the park. Longs Peak is the highest 14,000+ mountain in the park. Overnight temperatures are right above freezing, we will be ready for Florida when we get back!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Crater Lake - August 27-29th
Crater Lake National Park is located in Oregon. The lake is 1,943 feet deep, the deepest lake in the United States. It is between 4.5 and 6 miles wide, as its not a perfect circle. The edges of the lake are the remains of the cauldera of Mt. Mazama.
The park has many things to offer. We hiked a few trails, one was to a waterfall,

another was to formations called The Pinnacles; fossilized fumaroles formed when gas was forced through the volcanic ash during an eruption.
We also drove the crater rim road, 33 miles in circumference through pumice deserts, forests and steep rock walls. Of course the main event at the park is the beautiful "deep blue" crater lake.
As all advance reservations were booked, we had to get to the park in the morning to see if we could get one of the few remaining seats for the following day. Luckily we were able to get two seats and the next day we set out for Wizard Island.

Monday, September 10, 2012
Yosemite National Park
However, getting back to my bear fetish. Evidently the bears in Yosemite and Sequoia have a very special talent that they pass down to their young, generation to generation. It must be a learned trait, because its not an issue with bears in other parts of the country. In Yosemite you can't leave food, drink, chapstick, trash or anything else in your car that has a fragrance or else this will happen.
Must be a smart bear!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Detour again!!!
We had journeyed to Albuquerque NM fifteen years ago for their Balloonfest. It was so much fun that we went every morning before dawn to watch the ballloons take off. Back then I had no idea that the event was over by 8 AM! I also did not have an automatic camera or a video camera, this time would be much more fun.
I came prepared with 2 digital cameras, two lenses, one video camera and my trusty cell phone, I was prepared for a photographer's paradise!!!
Tony and I watched all the balloons take off. You could meander through the fields so you could get up close as they were inflating and launching the balloons.
Ps. For those of you who are worried about the outbreak of the Hantavirus they have had in Yosemite, we are not staying in the park campground. It's mainly a problem in the tent cabins due to mice droppings.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
36 Hours in Maryland and On The Road Again!
We had a great time while we were home. Crissy picked us up at 1:30 AM on Saturday morning, we slept in, went speed shopping at the outlets for new hiking pants and a long sleeve shirt for me and new work clothes for Crissy, went to celebrate my GREAT Uncle Tony's birthday, took care of Ya Ya's current honeydo list, grabbed some sleep and off to the airport this morning.
We are now Reno bound. Our vehicles are waiting for us at the Ramada in Reno and after a night in Reno we start back on the road staying at Camp Richardson at Lake Tahoe. Very cute area that we have frequented on previous trips to that area. They have a great ice cream shop, I hope its still open. It's also very close to Emerald Bay, so maybe we can make it there for a sunrise or sunset. Emerald Bay is one of my favorite places and I think one of the most beautiful areas around Lake Tahoe.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Fwd: [New post] Olympic NP: Hurricane Ridge Blows Me Away
From Crissy's Blog:
Olympic NP: Hurricane Ridge Blows Me Away
We started by taking the 17 mile road from Port Angeles up, up, up! to the Hurricane Ridge visitor's center. Hurricane Ridge has an elevation of about 5,200 feet. Since it's located along the top of a mountain, if the weather is clear there has the potential to be really incredible views of the Olympic Mountains, the nearby Straight of Juan de Fuca, and the city of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.
The catch is that it often is foggy and decidedly not clear. Luckily, we couldn't have had better weather during our visit. It was clear without a cloud in the sky! We did a few small hikes and I was so impressed with the views, the alpine mountains and the meadows filled with wildflowers. And, despite the name, it wasn't breezy in the slightest!
A view of peak after peak of mountains... and the slightly scary road to the summit!
Dad and I posing with an alpine backdrop.
Dad had a "Sound of Music" moment...
After we visited Hurricane Ridge, we drove back down to Port Angeles for lunch along the waterfront. It was a beautiful city, with so many colorful flowers in planters scattered throughout!
A park in Port Angeles, with vibrant and colorful planters. Love!
After lunch, it was time for one final trek into Olympic. Our destination? Soleduck Falls.
The stunning view from Soleduck Falls.
Uncle Tony doesn't look 90 and Gabrielle doesn't look 15! Its nice not to look your age. Happy Birthday to you both!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Lassen National Park, Bumpass Hell
Just make sure that you pay attention to the signs and stay on the trails and boardwalks. It's a 2 mile hike back to your car if you were to fall in and there are no ambulances nearby.
How Far Have We Hiked???? Over a half a million steps!
8/26 2.9 miles 6,937 steps
8/27 7.1 miles 16,757 steps
8/28 7.4 miles 17,504 steps
8/29 4.5 miles 10,621 steps