Sunday, August 19, 2012

Here Come the Canadians!

Well, we can't get anyone to visit us in Florida where we actually have an extra bedroom.  I was thinking that no one really likes us.  However, we go camping 5,000 miles away in the Pacific Northwest, we get company.  The Canadians came to visit us in the North Cascades.  As Tony was planning the route, I  had no idea that we were so close to Vancouver and our Cancun friends in Canada.  If I had known, I would have brought passports and planned a side trip, we can do more than just hike!

Christina Lees and Chris Kaulback decided to take a trip to visit with us, spend the night and hike and explore the Cascades with us.  They arrived in time for happy hour, a longggggg standing Cancun tradition.  We had a great dinner in Ricchiuti fashion, and a bonfire for smores in Pararas tradition.  We had a great time sending pictures and making our Chris and Mike and Kim jealous that they aren't here.

Chris after a long rest in the tent

As we sit around the breakfast table, all connected on our ipads and computers connected to my Verizon hotspot, it brings home the realization that camping sure has changed! 

Having  a great breakfast, thanks Chef Tony and looking forward to a full day together. 

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